Sat, 21 October 2017
It's a vegan cast this week as Beef isn't able to join us. However hearing Beef wasn't going to be there Trouble picked up the slack and brought the show home. There are milk drinking cows, nippled spacecraft and shocking confessions on the cast this week. You won't want to miss this - I'm not talking clickbait here ya'll. |
Sun, 15 October 2017
We take a little time out to catch up and some much-needed listener questions and prove without a shadow of a doubt how behind we are on this particular subject. However a lot of great questions come out of this session so buckle in and strap it on... or however you identify penetration. |
Sun, 8 October 2017
Welcome to the cast that almost wasn't! We had some audio problems this week but luckily the boys pulled through in fine style! Also, Hef passed this week and the gents pay respects like you knew they would. |