Wed, 27 January 2021
Podcast 416: This week your hosts take a little time out to answer some of the mail that has been loading up. You've got questions and comments and we've got answers and thoughts! This time out Sean goes to hell, Beef is beautiful, Op and Sean try to explain to Beef what ballooning is, and we must all decide on beauties from yester-year. Yep, all that and a bunch more on this episode of Wholesome Addiction! |
Sun, 24 January 2021
Have you ever heard a grown man go through an hour of podcasting under extreme pressure while his bowels threaten to eject under pressure? You're about to. That's right Beef has outdone himself this week and really, could you expect more from us? Don't answer that, you most likely shouldn't have. In any event, we cover some news and listener questions. |
Sat, 16 January 2021
Expectations vs. Reality. Real vs. Fake. In this slightly thoughtful cast, we go over how the world exists in its current iteration. Also, Sean is about to have to start paying due the bill on some of his wicked ways and he isn't looking forward to it. |
Sat, 9 January 2021
Welcome, to the world of tomorrow! It's no longer 2020 and in this, our first cast of the new year your ever so humble hosts start off the year with an argument. It seems we have differing views on our fate as a species and proceed to have it out for the better part of the cast. Welcome to the future - we're so glad you made it! |