Sat, 27 February 2021
After Sean is recovering from Texas weather and Beef continues to search for positive, female company, we humbly gather to perform a show. This week on the show we check out what the Operator is watching, run through some sexy news, and answer a few letters. Join us for this green-friendly episode of Wholesome Addiction! |
Sat, 20 February 2021
We thought we'd get back to some good old-fashioned sexy clips this week. Yes, we know it's a bit out of character for us to cover that type of thing on our show where that is indeed the topic but we thought we'd change it up a bit. Just remember, you did say you wanted more. |
Wed, 10 February 2021
As we continue to figure out how the new year is going to be your wholesome trio labor forth to bring you a show! Not a great show, maybe not even a good show. In fact, lower your expectations to what you've come to expect from us. Now you're in the right frame of mind to enjoy the quality where we exist today! Join us as we examine French sexy parties and Beef's preserved cornhole. You heard me, I said it. |
Sun, 7 February 2021
We really hate it when Sean is right. I mean we really aren't fans of it. However, we've been sent some news that puts us up against that scenario. This week we've also got some stories about the most secret CIA operative in the world and one woman wants to talk to him. That's right Sean is correct and CIA operatives covered on the show this week - the world must indeed be ending. |